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安恒公司 / 业界动态 / 艾尔麦WLAN无线网分析器实现在Aruba移动平台上的运行
2006-05-22    迪安       阅读:

在Interop Las Vegas展会上,无线网络保证方案的领*供应商AirMagnet与“移动边缘”公司Aruba Networks宣布,AirMagnet的无线LAN分析器应用已能够在Aruba Networks屡获殊荣的无线LAN(WLAN)和移动平台上运行,从而将市场上*全面的无线故障排除和分析软件与业界性能佳、可扩展性高的企业移动平台相结合。  
AirMagnet和Aruba已集成了各自平台,提供融合了精细的无线性能管理和故障排除功能的世界*移动系统。 AirMagnet业界领*的WLAN故障排除解决方案,将使企业客户能够充分利用Aruba世界*的安全无线平台,来获得专家*的见解和对其Wi-Fi环境的**控制。

AirMagnet和Aruba的联合销售商——Astreya Partners的*席执行官Jeff Freeland说:“我们很高兴能够有机会为我们的全球客户群带来这种混合解决方案。 Aruba构建了当今市场上**进、*安全的无线LAN设备,而AirMagnet则不仅带来彻底调查各类无线问题所需的深度信息,还提供了专家*的故障排除工具来立即解决这些问题。”

Aruba基础架构的独特功能使得AirMagnet分析器能以被动和主动两种模式运行。 在被动模式下,分析器能够接收到Aruba移动控制器和接入点传送的实时数据,这样无须中断用户的会话即可实现全面的监控和故障排除。 主动模式则允许AirMagnet分析器控制单个接入点(AP),因此用户能够执行完整的互动通道、吞吐量和设备分析。 新的AirMagnet分析器提供富有价值的工具来实现整个系统范围的WLAN故障排除和性能管理,同时能够与新款和现有的Aruba网络安装相集成。

AirMagnet的执行副总裁Greg Yates表示:“Aruba和AirMagnet合作推出的多功能解决方案使各组织都能获得*佳的无线网络性能。” 他还说:“将我们强大的分析和问题解决能力与Aruba国际水准的平台直接集成,对那些期望部署无线网络的当前客户和任何其他组织来说,都是*种成功的结合。”

Aruba Networks的联合创始人和营销副总裁Keerti Melkote说:“AirMagnet尖端的WLAN性能管理和故障排除工具与Aruba的安全移动系统实现了互补, 现在,我们的企业客户就能够通过我们业界领*的移动控制器和AP来部署业内*好的性能分析工具。”

AirMagnet和Aruba将在thecin Las Vegas展会上演示AirMagnet分析器与Aruba移动系统的集成。

AirMagnet and Aruba Networks Announce New WLAN Analyzer Applications on Aruba Networks' Mobility Platform
Wireless LAN industry powerhouses demonstrate benefits of combining leading WLAN analysis software and mobility hardware at Interop

Interop, LAS VEGAS, May 01, 2006 - Today at Interop Las Vegas, AirMagnet, the leader in wireless network assurance, and Aruba Networks, the Mobile Edge Company, announced that AirMagnet's wireless LAN analyzer applications have been enabled to run on Aruba Networks' award-winning wireless LAN (WLAN) and mobility platform, combining the market's most comprehensive wireless troubleshooting and analysis software with the industry's highest performing and most scalable enterprise mobility platform. AirMagnet and Aruba have integrated their respective platforms to deliver world-class mobility systems combined with granular wireless performance management and troubleshooting. AirMagnet's industry-leading WLAN troubleshooting solution will enable enterprise customers to fully leverage Aruba's world-class secure wireless platform to gain expert insight and precise control over their Wi-Fi environment.

Jeff Freeland, CEO of Astreya Partners, a joint reseller of AirMagnet and Aruba, said, "We're very excited about the opportunity to present a blended solution to our global customer base. Aruba has built what we feel is the most advanced and secure wireless LAN equipment available today, while AirMagnet gives us the deep detail to thoroughly investigate every type of wireless issue and provides expert troubleshooting tools to resolve those issues immediately."

The unique capabilities of the Aruba infrastructure enable the AirMagnet analyzer to operate in two modes: passive and active. In passive mode, the analyzer receives a real-time data feed directly from the Aruba mobility controller and access points, which allows for complete monitoring and troubleshooting without interrupting the user's session. The active mode enables the AirMagnet analyzer to control individual access points (APs), so users can perform complete interactive channel, throughput and device analysis. The new AirMagnet analyzer provides a valuable tool for system-wide WLAN troubleshooting and performance management, and easily integrates with new and existing Aruba network installations.

"Aruba and AirMagnet have collaborated on a powerful solution that enables organizations to achieve the best wireless network performance possible," said Greg Yates, executive vice president of AirMagnet. "Integrating the power of our analysis and problem-solving capabilities directly with Aruba's world-class platform is a winning combination for our current customers and any other organizations looking to deploy wireless networks."

"AirMagnet's state-of-the-art tools for WLAN performance management and troubleshooting complement Aruba's secure mobility systems," said Keerti Melkote, co-founder and vice president of marketing for Aruba Networks. "Together, our enterprise customers now have the ability to deploy the industry's best performance analysis through our industry-leading mobility controllers and APs."

Both AirMagnet and Aruba will be demonstrating the integration of AirMagnet's analyzer with Aruba's mobility system at the Interop Conference and Exhibition in Las Vegas from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Tuesday, May 2, and Wednesday, May 3, and from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Thursday, May 4, in booths 211 and 725. 


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